
Welcome to Spoonful of Tinkerdust!

I’m Karla…wife and mom, but most importantly a child of God.

Here in my little corner of the internet, I hope to encourage you in the journey of homemaking and give you ideas of how you can use what you have, right where you are to make your home a haven. My desire for my family (and yours!) is that we can slow down enough to enjoy the little moments and appreciate the life we’ve been given.

It doesn’t take much…just a spoonful of tinkerdust…to add some fun and magic to otherwise routine days.

I spend my days homeschooling, drinking coffee, and planning pretend Disney trips. I spend my nights drinking tea, eating snacks in bed, and watching entirely too many episodes of my current binge.

I love to learn new things, and consider myself a “jack of all trades, master of none.” I also love sharing ideas with friends over coffee, so I hope you’ll grab a cup (or tea if you prefer) and join me in the conversation here! You can also connect with me on Instagram where I share more behind the scenes of our daily life.